I'd like to share to y'all my high school experience. Well, not really.
Things I've Learned In High School
Number 1. Make friends
You really have to learn how to socialize or else you'll be left alone in one corner. You don't have to be popular or something. You just have to make yourself known to others.
Number 2. Not everybody is your friend even when you think they are
Out of 10 of your "friends", maybe 4 of them don't like you or they just have something to say about you. Something negative, perhaps. And some just don't say it right in front of you, they really have to say it behind your back. Sounds familiar? Yeah, backbiting.
Number 3. Be reasonable
If you don't like people backbiting you, then take criticisms positively. Not really positively. Have you ever heard about CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISMS? Yes. That's what they call it. You use criticisms as guides to be able to somehow change for the better.
Number 4. Prove them wrong
Whenever people say you can't do it, show them you can. Make those people your motivation to study harder or perform better.
Number 5. Trust yourself
This shit is the most important. Believe in yourself. To be able to do number 4, you have to TRUST YOURSELF. Have faith. If you know and believe that you can do it... Oh definitely, you can.
Number 6. You don't always have to be on top
Life is not a race. You don't always have to get there first. You don't always have to compete to the extent that someone gets hurt. If you want success, just do your best and success, itself, will chase you. Don't always bear in your mind that you have to be the best, be on top, be No.1. Just DO your best.
Number 7. Enjoy
It won't last long. High school? Four loooooooong agonizing years of everything. But when you get to the Senior Year, you wish you were back in Sophomore Year to enjoy every single event, happening. Don't always think of your academics or this or that. Enjoy! Live!
Number 8. Make Memories
Make memories. Do stupid things. Enjoy your high school life. You'll get "HS Life" only once(for four years, though). Cut class. Vandalize. Fail. Whatever. One day, you'll look back and laugh at everything you've done, wise or stupid.
Number 9. Know who your true friends are
They always say that your high school friends are the friends who get to stay forever. Then, know who they are. It really doesn't matter if it's one or two or twenty. Make sure you have at least one. And make sure that if you go your separate ways after high school, you'll keep in touch and stay as you are.
Number 10. Lastly, appreciate
Sometimes, we just have to sit back and look around. There are so many reasons to be happy. And always thank those 'reasons' for being reasons to be happy. Simple gestures can mean a lot. Appreciate the value of friendship. Appreciate the value of knowledge. Appreciate the work your teachers do for you. Appreciate all the moments you and your friends spend together. Appreciate yourself. Appreciate life as it is.
At sixteen (Holy macaroons. I'm 16.), I might not know what life really is. But one thing I'm sure of is that life has its ups and downs. One day you're up there and the next day you're down low. But always remember that when you're up there, keep your feet on the ground and when you're down low, hold on and keep climbing. You'll get there, eventually.
First entry. Didn't edit this yet. Bye now. xx -K