Thursday, 21 February 2013

Perks of Being a Home Nurse ;D

Hey hey hey! ☻
Ze Question and Answer Portion...

Making a Bed
1. Why do we need to know how to make an unoccupied and occupied bed?
♫Why oh why.. ♪♪ Well, one should know how to make an occupied and unoccupied bed to be able to provide comfort to our patient. It would also make the patient feel light when the bed if properly made. 
2. How does making a bed help in the fast recovery of our patient?
 As I've mentioned, it would make the patient feel light. It will make him feel relaxed and calm and make the patient feel at ease and comfortable and that would help the patient in his recovery. ☻
3. As a good home nurse, how will you be able to render your services to your patient through bed making?
 AZAGUDHOWMNERS =)) Ay wud bi aybol tu renderr mah serbises tu mah peyshent thruu bed meyking by preparing the bed properly, by making the patient feel comfortable and by thinking of what's best for mah peyshent.

 *Intermission number: ♫I didn't know it at fifteen..♪♫*

 Bathing the Patient
1. Why do you need to give a bath to the patient?
To relax the patient. Two, to stimulate the blood circulation of the patient. Three, to cleanse the patient. Next, to refresh the patient. Also, to serve as an exercise for the patient and lastly, to aid the elimination of certain wastes in the body. ☻
2. What are the materials needed for bed bath or sponge bath?
3. What’s the importance of using a urinal or bedpan?
4. What do you mean by back rub?
5. How do you differentiate cold compress from hot compress?

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

AmaNurse? AmaDoctor? =)

Hey there, junior! :) The class was asked to answer these 6 questions last Fab. 13 and yeah. I am sort of late but nevertheless, I shall do this. You know why? Because life is a warfare! ;D Wink!

1.  If you are a good home nurse, what are the various home nursing techniques that you need to apply that will make the patient feel comfortable and speed up the recovery?

I shall know;

  • How to make an unoccupied and occupied bed
  • How to take the patient's vital signs
  • How to bath the patient and a lot more
2.  Why should the home nurse monitor the vital signs of the patient?

A home nurse should monitor the vital signs of the patient to be able to know the patient's respiratory rate, pulse rate, temperature, blood pressure.

3.  How do you take the body temperature, pulse rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure of the patient?

Body temperature, use the thermometer. Avoid touching the bulb of the thermometer because it is fragile and unsanitary. It will be placed in the patient's mouth, armpit or rectum depending on the patient's condition.

Pulse rate, use your index finger and your middle finger to get ze pulse rate. No no use yar thumb, why? because life is a warfare ;D Next, place your two fingers on your wrist, temple, ankle or throat though wrist is the most convenient, for 1 minute and count yar pulse, nigga.

Respiratory Rate? *some text missing*

Lastly, the blood pressure, use the stethoscope and sphyg.. styg.. no, sphygmano.. oh, wait. sphygmomanometer. Yeah! That. =)) Then.. Maybe later. ;D

4.  What are some practices that the home nurse must follow that will promote comfort to the patient?

5.  How will you differentiate signs from symptoms of illnesses and diseases?

Signs? Yun ba yung sa first year? General Signs? Bio na ngayon eh. =))) Corny eh. Sorreh! Eto na. ☺ Signs are what the doctor sees and symptoms are what the patient experiences. I asked my mother to differentiate it too but, she just agreed on what I said and didn't add any more. :( So, yeah. That's it.

6.  If you are the doctor, what will be your basis in giving the diagnosis for your patient?

If I'm the doctor(never)..
I will base my diagnosis from the patient's history, the further assessments made and the signs and symptoms present in the patient. =)))

Administer Like an Administerer ;D

Hey Daydreamerrrrr ;D

Knowing the different ways and techniques and basics in administering medicine to the patient is really important. For there are instances in which it is necessary.

Administration of medicine is the manner in which a medicine is administered that will determine to some extent whether or not the patient gains any clinical benefit, and whether they suffer any adverse effect from their medicines. Administration of medicine is done by doctors, nurses and even home nurses. ☺

There are many things that I've learned from this topic.

A home nurse should know the when, where, how, what, and why a medicine should be given to a patient. It will surely help in the fast recovery of a patient. Knowing when to give the medicine to the patient is important because it is necessary to follow certain schedules in administering the medicine. Giving medicine to the patient at the right place is necessary to be able to provide needed stuff in the appropriate place.

How the medicine should be administered is really important. A home nurse should also follow proper medication for the patient. The appropriate medicine should be given to a patient undergoing a certain sickness. And why a medicine should be given is another important factor. The home nurse should have enough knowledge on these questions. The home nurse shouldn't necessarily be witty but, anyone can as long as they have enough knowledge about home nursing. Bye!

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Take Care. Care Bear :3

Health Care so, yeah. Health care is pretty much important to everyone; community, family as well as to an individual.

Every one should have a knowledge of what health care is all about. Lexically, health care is defined as the field concerned with the maintenance or restoration of the health of the body or mind. Personally, it is simply caring for one's health. 

 To the community, it is important for an individual to know the simple or basic stuff in health care for it is essential in case of emergencies or sudden.. *cant find the right word* yes! very true! =))) It will be helpful to the community in some instances. 

To the family, health care is important to be able to teach one's self of being independent in such cases but, never put on or drink or whatever you do to a medicine or ointment or something used to cure something unless you are sure and with a doctor's prescription or even a R.N. for many years. In short, expert. ☻ In our family, my mom is a nurse. Don't get the connection? Yuuh! Feel ko lang mag share. ;) HAHA 

 To an individual or to myself, I should know these stuff to be able to take care or nurse someone with illness. I should know basic stuff to be able to also help my family, the community and the patient in nursing the patient. =)) 

So, yeah. I think that's all. I'll edit this if something pops out in my head. Bye ♥

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Riyus. Ridus. and Risaykel =))

In this activity, we were told to come up with at least two products which are made of recycled materials that are salable and affordable. So, here we go again.. Handicrafts and those stuff. I didn't listen much but, pretended. I really didn't expect to enjoy this activity. It was REAL fun ☻
So, I was part of the group 3 and we came up with three products. First stop...

This is a desk organizer or simply an organizer. It really has many uses. You can put your own design too. It can also serve as a decor in somewhere. I really had fun doing the design of this product particularly this..

It made me go crazy. Really@@ It was amazing =)) I found this stressful and stress-relieving at the same time. ☺I had to go straw hunting in our store :3 So, yea. We used boxes, newspaper, paint and straw. You really can find it anywhere but.. not anywhere literally but.. yea. Just.. whatever. MOVING ON. Welcome to the second stop..
If you can't decipher what this is, well, it is a pouch made of tetra packs of juices. You also need a zipper if you wish. You just need patience, bro. ☺NEXT YOOOW.. Third product is.. *drum roll*

Looks good right? I know, right? :) HAHA Those two.. things? are lamps. And yeah. It is so damn cute. You could really use it as a decor or whatever pleases you. All you need is a jar or something like that, a candle to be put inside and whatever you like to decorate it with ☻

So, bye guys! ♥

Monday, 14 January 2013

ze tenchu card =))

The class was told to make a Christmas or Thank You Card. I decided to make a Thank You Card since I sucked at cutting forms of Christmas Trees. "Basic!", I thought to my self but when Ma'am Tuangco added "a POP-UP Christmas or thank you card", "Ano dawwwww?!", I now thought to myself as my eyes widened a bit.
 Well, I thought of many ideas and came up with this as my front page. Bear with the writing please =))
 Open it and you'll find the best I have at 4:50am on a Wednesday(I think).
Yea. Obviously, I forgot to tape some ends of the paper. That's the consequence of cramming while you're half asleep. And all you think about is how to finish everything and go back to your soft, comfortable bed.

When I already had to give the card to someone, I chose to give it to one of my close friends. I wanted to thank her for everything. I wanted to show her that I am really grateful for having her as my friend.
This is all for now, BYEE :*